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What to do in the Garden this February

Nothing beats taking a bite from a deliciously sweet piece of fruit, on a hot summer day. Especially fruit that you’ve grown yourself. This month your flowers and fruits should be thriving in abundance, thanks to your efforts of the previous year.

Summer has set in; beneficial insects are all about, and your garden is full of life. Now is a perfect time to appreciate your achievements and begin preparation for the coming months.

Flower garden

We’re in the hottest part of summer now, but that’s no excuse to stop. It’s time to get out into the garden earlier in the day and get the work done before the heat sets in. Watering first thing in the morning also gives the soil time to absorb the moisture before the sun evaporates it all.

Keep your mulch topped up, it is vital to keep your garden cool in the heat by locking in as much water as possible.

This month you should be planting

  • Alyssum
  • Calendula
  • Nasturtium
  • Marigolds
  • Vinca
  • Dianthus
  • Lobelia
  • Zinnia

Prune your annual plants as they finish flowering and feed with a fertiliser high in potassium to promote more flowers.

Keep on top of deadheading your roses and other flowering plants, to promote further blooms.

Remove those weeds before they seed. Trust us, a few minutes now will save you in the long run, as in this heat they’d spread like wildfire.

Keep an eye on pests and diseases. If you are unsure of what ails your plant, bring in a photo on your phone and ask one of our experts for guidance, we will help you to identify the issue and offer you a solution.

With the current warm humid weather, be sure to check for fungal problems such as downy mildew and rust, these can be problematic if left untreated.


Summer is the entertaining season and regular harvesting from the edible garden will keep your diet healthy and fresh. The heat will continue to exhilarate growth on your herbs, vegetables, and fruiting plants, resulting in a high yield of tasty ingredients for all your summer meals. Guaranteed to impress your family and guests. With plenty to spare to share with friends and neighbours.

Now is the time to begin to prepare the edible garden for the months ahead.


In the Veggie Patch
Asian GreensAsian GreensBasilBeetroot
BasilBasilFrench and Climbing BeansBroccoli
CapsicumCapsicumBeetrootBrussel Sprouts
ChilliChilliBrussel SproutsCabbage
CeleryMediterranean Herbs*CeleryCapsicum
Sweet CornLettuceEggplantChives
TomatoRadishLeekMediterranean Herbs*
Spring OnionParsleyLeek
Sweet CornSilverbeetLettuce
TomatoSweet CornMint
Spring OnionRadish
Spring Onion

*Including Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Marjoram, and Oregano

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