Ouuuuch! Is your chook giving you a look that says “Human, something doesn’t feel right, please help!” If so, continue reading to see how you can help your chook.
The description of a hen being ‘egg bound’ is often mentioned but is it really egg bound? Here’s how to find out, and how you can get hands-on and help out!
- Bird standing upright and straining as if to pass an egg, but with no result
- disinterest in eating and drinking
- walking with legs apart, described as a ‘penguin waddle’
- clear fluid dribbling out the vent
- Prolapse
- Oviduct damage
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Death possible if not passed with 48 hours
- Overly large eggs
- Obesity
- Disturbance during process of laying
- Calcium shortage
The process of laying can be compromised when an egg becomes stuck, either by being too big or by turning sideways, blocking the way out. In a normal situation, the egg comes down the oviduct with its pointed end first. it is turned around after it leaves the shell gland by contractions of the uterine wall, and is laid blunt end first. However, sometimes if a hen is disturbed or becomes stressed during this process, she may try to lay her egg before it has turned, resulting in a cross ways delivery. It may be the egg is not overly large but just not in the right position.
What do I do if my hen is egg-bound?
Put her in a small, dark, quiet space so she is as comfortable as possible to lay the egg.
Gently hold chook (at a confident distance) over a steam bath for around 15-20 minutes. Be mindful of temperature and if chook is at a comfortable distance from steam.
Gently massage the chickens abdomen.
- You should give them a dose of calcium through vitamins, electrolytes or in liquid form. We recommend a product called Spark. It is made by Vetafarm and is a concentrated liquid
If none of these options work and she hasn’t laid the egg within the hour, then a simple phone call to your vet is required. This way they can assess the situation and have your hen happy and healthy in no time.
How can I prevent egg-binding in my hens?
There are a number of ways you can do your best to prevent egg-binding in your flock, which involve making a few simple changes to their feed and their environment.
Ensure that any young hens who aren’t ready to lay eggs aren’t exposed to artificial light. This can cause the hens to start laying eggs before they are physically meant to.
Ensure that your hens are receiving layer feed – this feed has been formulated specifically to meet the nutritional needs of laying hens.
Add shell-grit to your chickens diet to give them a calcium boost.
Don’t give your chickens too many treats- especially when the weather is hot!
If hens don’t have a safe, comfortable environment to lay eggs in, their chances of becoming egg-bound increase, as she might try and retain the egg. So having a chicken coop with an appropriate nesting box (if you aren’t sure what is appropriate, please call us!) is essential to keep them laying as normal!
If you are unsure about anything we have suggested, please visit us down at 3247 Old Cleveland Road, Chandler or call us on (07) 3390 1433